Advances in research and science are constantly taking us places. Our next stop? Mars. And its a one-way trip.

Orchestrated from the Netherlands, this production is complex and intimidating in innumerable ways. It's a performance that will forever change life as we know it.
Founded in 2011, 'Mars One' is a non-profit organization created in hopes of establishing a permanent human colony on Mars by the late 2020's.
In 2013, Mars One launched an astronaut selection program inviting persons of all nationalities to apply. The application process consists of four rounds, spanning over two years. At then end of it (which should be sometime this year), 24 individuals -six teams of four- will be selected for training.
Training will last until the launch in 2026. Ability and patience to spend long periods of time in a remote area is the first and main thing tested. They will also learn to repair components of the habitat and rover as well as learn how to grown their own food in that habitat. They are also trained in medical procedures.
The plan is, from 2024 to 2025, six cargo units will have landed on a relatively ideal terrain. Before the first crew starts their journey, the life support system would have produced a breathable atmosphere of 0.7 bar pressure, 3000 liters of water and 120 kg of Oxygen that will be in storage.

Orchestrated from the Netherlands, this production is complex and intimidating in innumerable ways. It's a performance that will forever change life as we know it.
Founded in 2011, 'Mars One' is a non-profit organization created in hopes of establishing a permanent human colony on Mars by the late 2020's.
In 2013, Mars One launched an astronaut selection program inviting persons of all nationalities to apply. The application process consists of four rounds, spanning over two years. At then end of it (which should be sometime this year), 24 individuals -six teams of four- will be selected for training.
Training will last until the launch in 2026. Ability and patience to spend long periods of time in a remote area is the first and main thing tested. They will also learn to repair components of the habitat and rover as well as learn how to grown their own food in that habitat. They are also trained in medical procedures.

For more information about the timeline, click here:
The astronauts who have signed up for this project are people like you and me. Remember: its a one-way trip. These are people with families, careers, healthy lifestyles and their whole lives ahead of them. They are sacrificing everything familiar and comfortable for the sake of science, discovery and the progression of mankind.
So you might be thinking: Why would these people be willing to throw away their lives for this project? Hear it for yourselves...
About 15 years from now, all supplies and materials required (including the people), will have landed on Mars. But what happens next?
The astronauts will be living in habitats. These are modular units comprising of multiple inflatable units... about 250 cubic meters per person.
Then of course, is the suit. Naturally, the environment of Mars isn't suitable for human life. Inhabitants will wear full body suit, similar to the ones worn to the moon. It will be flexible enough to allow the wearers to work and move around, yet provide adequate protection from the harsh temperatures and the thin, carbon dioxide rich air.
Water, oxygen and food will be produced on the planet as sending these essentials from earth is out of the question. Water will be extracted from the soil, oxygen will be derived from splitting water into its constituents and food will be produced under artificial lighting.
For further information and FAQ, click here:
What does this Mars One project mean for the future? Provided this mission is a success, this project opens up a variety of possibilities for mankind.
A second planet may soon be in high demand, at the rate this one is deteriorating. The results of the project could be revolutionary in several fields, be it medical, agricultural, environmental, etc.

And of course, we can be part of the adventure too. Through donations and generally raising awareness we can do our part.
This is definitely not science fiction anymore.
Explore the website, to learn more. For more videos, visit their YouTube channel:

And of course, we can be part of the adventure too. Through donations and generally raising awareness we can do our part.
This is definitely not science fiction anymore.
Explore the website, to learn more. For more videos, visit their YouTube channel: